Old-growth logging is worse than you think.
More than 500 kilometres from the coast, the world's only Inland Temperate Rainforest is disappearing every day.
The Inland Temperate Rainforest is a globally unique, interconnected ecosystem that cannot be replanted or replaced. Scientists give the ITR 10 years before full ecosystem collapse — unless we act now.
From extraordinary lichens to endangered mountain caribou, animals need old-growth trees to survive and thrive. Our short-term profits means the silent extinction of plant and animal species that call the ITR home.
The ITR also protects us. Intact old-growth forests immediately mitigate the impacts of climate change. They provide fresh water and store far more carbon than the plantations replacing them, and their structure actively protects us from wildfire. The climate and biodiversity crises are accelerating — we need to save these few remaining old growth forests now.
In November of 2021, the BC Provincial Government announced their intentions to defer 2.6 million hectares of old growth from logging, pending discussions with Indigenous Nations. But deferrals are not enough, and Nations shouldn’t be forced to choose between economic security and conservation without meaningful financial options like conservation financing. Over 9000 soccer fields of old growth have been logged in deferral areas since the announcement.
Send a message to demand the BC government end old-growth logging in the Inland Temperate Rainforest.