Photo: David Moskowitz

Stop logging caribou habitat in the Seymour

Two logging companies, Pacific Woodtech and Stella Jones, are threatening to cut down more than 600 hectares of endangered mountain caribou habitat in the remote Seymour River watershed, 100 kilometres north of Salmon Arm.

Located in what biologists refer to as ‘the hub’ of the Columbia North herd’s range, almost all of these proposed clearcuts overlap with areas that the B.C. government has deemed to be critical habitat for the long-term survival of this herd.

The cutblocks also contain unprotected old growth forests and precious intact remnants of B.C.’s threatened Inland Temperate Rainforest. One of only three such rainforests left in the world, the ITR is an ecosystem on the brink of collapse — one century ago, B.C. had 1.3 million hectares of ITR, but today only 60,000 hectares of core, old forest remain.

Join us in calling on B.C. Premier David Eby, Pacific Woodtech, Stella Jones and other key decision makers to show leadership and protect these forests. Use our pre-written letter to take action today.

For more information, read our blog.



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