Government planned to log untouched old growth in Argonaut Creek, deep in the Inland Temperate Rainforest north of Revelstoke. But more than a thousand people spoke up and they cancelled most — but not all — of their logging plans.
Mountain caribou need old growth forests to survive. Please call Minister of Forests Katrine Conroy today and tell her that we don't want to see a single tree cut down in this ancient forest.
Argonaut Creek is important habitat for the North Columbia caribou herd. With 150 caribou, the North Columbia herd has defied the odds and survived when so many other southern herds have disappeared from our mountains. But they can't afford to lose more of their home to logging.
There’s still logging planned for about 63 hectares of old growth forest—that’s 70 soccer fields. They've already built a five-kilometre road into the valley, tearing through the old growth rainforest, and making it much easier for predators to hunt caribou.
The recent report on BC’s old growth forest management provides a blueprint for change to protect our old growth. But the province hasn't adopted the report's recommendations. Old growth is still being logged every day across BC.
Please call Forests Minister Conroy today and tell her that all Argonaut Creek logging must be cancelled, the new road must reclaimed and BC has to stop logging important old growth and adopt the recommendations of the old growth report now.