This summer, many residents of Revelstoke witnessed the logging of trees likely more than 400 years old, at Standfast creek in the Akolkolex valley just south of Revelstoke (50.91706, -117.89899).
The trees were logged in an area surrounded by and adjacent to old growth deferrals, however the stand of trees was not deferred likely due to a mapping error from the provincial government. The error classified the forest as a 250-year-old Hemlock leading stand, even though it was likely an ancient forest (greater than 400 years old). This was supposed to be confirmed with on the ground analysis, but the work was never completed, and without a deferral to protect it the stand was completely cleared.
We need you to reach out to local and provincial representatives, as well as logging companies, with your concerns about the importance of protecting endangered old growth forest ecosystems. It is time for the BC provincial government to follow the recommendations of the old growth technical advisory panel, including to defer harvest in remaining old growth not identified in the current deferral maps, and remedy inaccurate inventory data that miss areas of high value old forest. We have provided a suggested email, but you can edit it or write your own for more impact.
With less than 12% of the Inland Temperate Rainforest remaining, it’s time to speak up against old growth logging!